Creating a great life you love requires your will to live.
The “will to live” is personal power in motion.
The will to live is to feel engaged and at the center of our life, leading ourselves forward.
It is easy to let go of the enthusiasm and requires the willingness to stay conscious and engaged every day.
The willingness to be the strongest influence in your life.
The willingness to continue forward inspecting and discerning every step and decision.
The willingness to stay true to yourself and say yes to the things that you know will nourish your soul even when you feel comfortable in the mundane.
Not engaging our will simply means that we’re not influencing our life in the way we desire—typically stuck energetically in the past or frozen in the magnitude of the future.
I had a reading with a client yesterday and the phrase “will to live” came in over and over again.
And looking at this energetically, I saw the meaning behind the phrase.
Our will—our personal power, moving us forward in our lives.
Inspired, engaged in present time with our will and vision to create our next step—to create the future.
It is easy (but painful) to sit in apathy. To sit in the robotic way of living day-to-day, in a checklist manner.
But what we miss is the depth and richness of the energy we are floating above when we do.
Our will brings us in the center of the energy where we are immersed in life.
Be present in this moment—here right now.
Look forward and use your personal power to create the life you desire—one day at a time.
1. Ask yourself, am I engaging my will to live?
2. What is one simple thing I can do to influence my life?
3. How would my life look different if I did so consciously every single day?
Practice using your will in ways that enhance your quality of life and overall well-being.
I see you. I believe in you.